A blog by Jonas Finnemann Jensen

February 17, 2007
TheLastRipper release 1.0.0 RC
Filed under: Computer,English,School,TheLastRipper by jonasfj at 2:45 pm

TheLastRipper Aboutbox LinuxThe last week I’ve been working a lot on TheLastRipper, an audo stream ripper for first I got the project hosted at google code. Later I ported the code to Windows using Windows.Forms. And as of yesterday the code was finally stable enough to be released. There’s still some inexplainable issues, which I’ll post later on the known issues page of each platform. The releases can be found at the project page:

I’m still not done with the OS X client, hopefully I’ll manage to get an .app ready. Either using Windows.Forms or Cocoa#. I’ve had some success using Windows.Forms under X11, but the macpack utils won’t pack it correctly. Porting to Cocoa is kind of on hold currently, since none of the cocoa samples found can be compiled and no documentation of the C# bindings is available.

Personally I’m pretty proved of the artwork, not because I want to take all the credit for it. The rest of TheLastRipper developer team, have done a lot here. They are also the guys I’m doing the school project with, they’re not much into programming, but they do know a thing or two about artwork. Well all the artwork was done in Inkscape 0.45, the new blur effect is just a little too nice. Some clipart has been “stolen” from public domain ressources at Wikipedia or


  1. Jonas, I read about your issue with the macpack, and I’ve just downloaded the alpha Mac version.. and it looks like it launches x11 corrrectly… I was hoping that you solved the macpack issue..and if you would wouldn’t mind emailing me how you got it working. I’m just learning and don’t even have a complete application.. but I can’t even get a single MessageBox to lauch using the macpack and don’t really want to have to launch x11 manually.

    I was also wondering if you have seen this error: Gtk not found (missing LD_LIBRARY_PATH to, using built-in colorschemeGtk not found (missing LD_LIBRARY_PATH to, using built-in colorscheme

    I get this error when I lauch my little Hello World program..

    Any information would be most appreciated.

    Once I get this issue solved, I’m going to try to write a children’s Word Game (Freeware)

    Kathleen Sheridan (Colorado, USA)

    Comment by Kathleen — March 4, 2007 @ 5:08 am

  2. I didn’t solve the issue, I just created the .app application manually. Actually it’s not that difficult, I don’t know how much you know about packaging for Mac OS X. Anyway I found some scripts on the Mono OS X mailinglist. I also mail there and asked for help using macpack, but all I heard where that others had similar issues. After I read some of the macpack sourcecode it seamed like most of the guides, and perhaps the man page was outdated…

    I used information from this thread to do what I did:
    (I didn’t get the Platypus application to work, but I didn’t spend much time on it anyway)

    Well, what I basicly did was to create an app with macpack, then browse it; an app is just a directory, you can browse it just like any other… Then I deleted the resources found in the ./Contents/Resources/ directory of the app, and place my .Net/Mono binaries there (Macpack modifies you binaries so you have to overwrite them). Then you should open the ./Contents/MacOS/AppName of you app, modify the AppName file in a plain text editor and write something like this:

    open /Applications/Utilities/
    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    cd “$1”
    mono Contents/Resources/.exe

    Now I’m NOT a Mac expert so there’s probably better approaches then mine… I haven’t got the icon in the dock to work corretly yet either… By the way, I’m not sure I used exactly the above method, but you can just browse my app I see how I did…

    Comment by Jonas Finnemann Jensen — March 4, 2007 @ 12:47 pm

  3. Hi
    This simply opens X11, does not proceed to run the application.

    open /Applications/Utilities/
    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    cd “$1″
    mono Contents/Resources/test.exe

    Comment by Sam — March 20, 2007 @ 3:11 pm

  4. Well, I’m no Mac expert (doesn’t even have one), not even close. And I don’t know much about shell scripting either…
    But you could try this instead:

    APP_PATH=`echo $0 | awk ‘{split($0,patharr,”/”); idx=1; while(patharr[idx+3] != “”) { if (patharr[idx] != “/”) {printf(“%s/”, patharr[idx]); idx++ }} }’`
    open /Applications/Utilities/
    cd “$APP_PATH/Contents/Resources”
    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    mono “test.exe”

    I think that’s how I did, you welcome to browse my .app and see how it’s done. But please note my Mac bundle is far from perfect…

    You may also do it using two shell scripts, like this:


    APP_PATH=`echo $0 | awk ‘{split($0,patharr,”/”); idx=1; while(patharr[idx+3] != “”) { if (patharr[idx] != “/”) {printf(“%s/”, patharr[idx]); idx++ }} }’`
    cd “$APP_PATH/Contents/Resources”


    APP_PATH=`echo $0 | awk ‘{split($0,patharr,”/”); idx=1; while(patharr[idx+1] != “”) { if (patharr[idx] != “/”) {printf(“%s/”, patharr[idx]); idx++ }} }’`
    cd “$APP_PATH”
    mono “test.exe”

    Comment by Jonas Finnemann Jensen — March 20, 2007 @ 4:31 pm

  5. Thanks for the tip. Still not right. Anyway I would recommend Platypus to all Mono users who are frustrated with Macpack. Go to I am now able to run a Mono C# windows forms app with a timer display on a MacbookPro without having to open up an X11 window!. Create a simple script as follows:

    open /Applications/Utilities/
    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    cd “$1”
    mono Contents/Resources/yourapp.exe

    Drag and drop the script in Platypus. Drag and drop the “yourapp.exe” in the Resource window and click Create. Bingo. You now have your Mac application. After all the frustration I can’t believe it is this simple. Maybe Mono should take Platypus on board.

    Comment by Sam — March 24, 2007 @ 2:43 pm

  6. Using platypus is basicly the same a the first approach I talked about… But yes it’s probably easier if you want to add icon and stuff…
    I don’t see how using platypus would not open the X11 window (xterm)…

    By the way, don’t copy the script directly from my blog, I think it uses some other form of ” chars…

    Comment by Jonas Finnemann Jensen — March 24, 2007 @ 3:13 pm

  7. Hey there,

    nice app I have to say, but it seems it lacks support for a proxy? 🙂

    Comment by Christoph Voigt — July 2, 2007 @ 1:49 pm

  8. If you know how to add proxy support using .Net/Mono, you’re welcome to make a feature request in out issue manager…
    But I don’t value it as an important feature… I would think Mono/.Net uses the primary proxy specified by operating system (or desktop environment or perhaps environment variable), but I’m not sure…

    Comment by Jonas Finnemann Jensen — July 3, 2007 @ 12:16 am

  9. I just downloaded the LastRipper and have found it to work pretty well on vista.
    Let me know if you would like it translated into Japanese so that other fans who do not understand written English can also enjoy this shareware!


    Comment by T. Goodearl — July 12, 2007 @ 5:19 am

  10. I’ll probably post a notice on this blog, when I have some localization tasks… Thanks for the offer, I’ll mail you if I remember to do so :))

    By the way, please do not accuse TheLastRipper of being shareware :), it’s fully opensource and free as in freedom…

    Comment by Jonas Finnemann Jensen — July 13, 2007 @ 9:14 pm

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