This summer Dorrit and I bought our first house. The house is 165m² plus a 50m² built-in garage suitable for all sorts of hobbies, workout equipment, parties, etc. I don’t imagine we’ll use the garage for parking, the garage is much to nice for that — or rather I care too little for cars!

We got the keys October 1st and moved into the garage, while we got the house ready. There weren’t much to get ready, mostly just hanging up lights, giving the walls a fresh coat of paint, cleaning the insides of cabinets, finding old snacks hidden behind drawers and such. I’m sure there’ll also be old biscuits behind one of the drawers when we move out, it’s not exactly a place you look often 🙂
We owe huge credits to friends and family for helping out with moving and painting the interior. Turns out that when 10 people show up, a lot can get done in a days work.
So far the life as homeowner is pretty sweet. Living two adults in a one bedroom apartment during covid-19 lockdowns did get a little cramped — especially when both of us were working from home. Having a more space certainly isn’t overrated.