A blog by Jonas Finnemann Jensen

July 17, 2006
Sharpdevelop 2.0 final
Filed under: Computer,English,P2PChat by jonasfj at 3:28 pm

Today Sharpdevelop 2.0 has finally been released. Sharpdevelop is an open source IDE for .Net framework. I’ve been using Sharpdevelop 1.x to write P2PChat, and I’m planing to make a short switch back to Windows, just to complete P2PChat and libP2PChat. Then I’ll move back onto whatever *nix is closest, and offers me enough Mono support to write a Linux/Mono/GTK# version of P2PChat, on top of the old libP2PChat I’ll develop in Windows.

I tried to install Sharpdevelop 2.0, amazing that my dualboot Windows still works it been at least 3 month since I’ve visited it last, anyway I played a little with .Net 2.0 and it seams like it might offer some new features. I wonder where P2PChat will end once I get started 🙂

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