A blog by Jonas Finnemann Jensen

September 11, 2006
MonoDevelop 0.12 Released
Filed under: Computer,English,News,P2PChat by jonasfj at 7:12 pm

A few days ago I saw that, the new MonoDevelop 0.12 has been released. It features many new features most amazing one of those is deployments system, to generate tarballs with autotools support. And ofcause improvments on the GTK# designer…
Perhaps I don’t have to install a virtual Windows machine as development platform, it seams as MonoDevelop might replace SharpDevelop. But it’ll properbly be some time before I’ll find time to install and try it… Maybe there’s some future P2PChat here 🙂 I’ve been doing some development on P2PChat in the summer, but they never became stable and I never commited them.
But autotools intergration is definitively nice, and will help me push some more beautiful releases…

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