A blog by Jonas Finnemann Jensen

September 3, 2007
All prior versions of TheLastRipper broken!
Filed under: English,TheLastRipper by jonasfj at 5:33 pm

I regret to annonce that all current prior versions of TheLastRipper are broken. It seams that dropped support for had a bug in their 1.1 protocol, this weekend. All streams optained from this protocol returns “HTTP/1.0 667 Not enough content left to play this station”. I think it’s a shame, considering the amount of opensource audio players out there with playback support for version 1.1. Since all of these audio players, including TheLastRipper have been broken.

Nevertheless, I and some other users have developed an unofficial documentation of the new protocol version 1.2. I’ll release it shortly, and I’d expect a implementation of this new protocol for TheLastRipper to start rather shortly too. If you want to stay updated on this issue, you can subscribe to issue 63. You do that by clicking on the star.

UPDATE: didn’t drop support for 1.1 protocol it was just gone for the weekend + Monday. Though a minor change in the login scheme caused TheLastRipper to freeze, this issue have now been fixed, and latest release of TheLastRipper works (Version 1.1.1). We’ll still be working on an opensource implementation of the 1.2 protocol.


  1. […] As I promised a few days ago I’m releasing the unofficial documentation that I’ve been developing in cooperation with Tobias Brennecke (tburny) and Matt Brown (blueboxed), two other users. This new protocol for is very interesting, it offers a small playlist instead of one long audio stream, this is nice since metadata is included in this playlist. The unofficial documentation is available from TheLastRipper wiki, here. All the operations should be possible to do with Firefox. […]

    Pingback by » protocol version 1.2, unofficiel documentation — September 5, 2007 @ 5:24 pm

  2. […] I’m happy to announce that we’ve finally ported the bugfix from the 1.1.1 release to OS X. As reported earlier all prior version of TheLastRipper are broken, due to minor changes on the serverside. This means that we haven’t had a working OS X version for about 2 weeks, the Windows and Linux versions were patched within 3 days, but since we don’t really have an OS X developers on the team this took a while longer. Anyway, it should work now, we’ve also added menu entries linking to the help pages on our wiki. Our beta was close, but not all done, now we think that we’ve got a fairly stable and feature complete version for OS X, therefore this release will be known as TheLastRipper for OS X version 1.1.1, yes it’s final not a beta. […]

    Pingback by » First final OS X version 1.1.1 — September 15, 2007 @ 4:23 pm

  3. At the moment I cannot tune into any stream with version 1.1.1 of thelastripper. Is this a known issue?

    Comment by Rapp Scallion — November 19, 2007 @ 3:22 pm

  4. Yes, it’s hopefully just a temporary thing again..

    Comment by Jonas Finnemann Jensen — November 19, 2007 @ 5:22 pm

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