A blog by Jonas Finnemann Jensen

September 11, 2006
MonoDevelop 0.12 Released
Filed under: Computer,English,News,P2PChat by jonasfj at 7:12 pm

A few days ago I saw that, the new MonoDevelop 0.12 has been released. It features many new features most amazing one of those is deployments system, to generate tarballs with autotools support. And ofcause improvments on the GTK# designer…
Perhaps I don’t have to install a virtual Windows machine as development platform, it seams as MonoDevelop might replace SharpDevelop. But it’ll properbly be some time before I’ll find time to install and try it… Maybe there’s some future P2PChat here 🙂 I’ve been doing some development on P2PChat in the summer, but they never became stable and I never commited them.
But autotools intergration is definitively nice, and will help me push some more beautiful releases…

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September 7, 2006
The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX
Filed under: Computer,Dansk by jonasfj at 7:04 pm

LaTeX eksempel For godt et halvt Ã¥rs tid siden, installerede jeg LaTeX pÃ¥ min wiki. Jeg lærte hurtigt grundlæggende LaTeX kommandoer til lave simple formler. Forleden da jeg kiggede lidt pÃ¥ det folk kalder internettet, faldt jeg sÃ¥ over en bog der hed: “The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX“. Nu har jeg sÃ¥ tygget mig igennem det meste af den, og den kan klart anbefales.

Bogen giver en god start på LaTeX til andet end bare formler. Og selvom LaTeX er gammelt, til tider en smule besværligt, er det et godt system at skrive afleveringer i. Bogen er ikke en total gennem gang af LaTeX, og man mangler stadig nogle enkelte ting for at kunne skrive avancerede matrix notationer. Men den giver en god start og man får godt fat i konceptet, man kan også læse den forholdsvis hurtigt, ca. 2-3 timer.

SÃ¥ hvis du gÃ¥r med en lille drøm om at lære LaTeX sÃ¥ kan “The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX” downloades frit fra:

September 1, 2006
WikiPlot Import to SVN
Filed under: Computer,English,School,WikiPlot by jonasfj at 9:26 pm

Today I imported WikiPlot to Google Code‘s SVN repository, and there by officially started the project. WikiPlot is a plotting extension for MediaWiki, written in php. It isn’t all done yet, but the php plotting class is getting stable. After that the plan is to write an interface to MediaWiki and catching functionality. The project is hosted at Google Code hosting, because they offer a simple solution with SVN. I experience with SourceForge and it is indeed a good hosting solution. But I thought our project was too small and would fit better in at Google Code.

It all started, this year when I started having lessons in programming at school, since me and some other “geeks” knows a “little” more about php/programming, then they were teaching, the teacher wouldn’t force us follow their basic programming course, which is what they are doing in the start. Anyway the teacher didn’t care about what we were doing as long as it was in php. And since I kind of need a plotting feature for my wiki, I thought it would be a nice project. So me and some of the other guy’s started developing WikiPlot.

Since I haven’t had time to create a homepage for WikiPlot, you can follow the development from this blog (See categories). I’m properly going to make the WikiPlot homepage a part of my homepage once it’s implemented and stable. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.