I’m happy to announce that we’ve finally ported the bugfix from the 1.1.1 release to OS X. As reported earlier all prior version of TheLastRipper are broken, due to minor changes on the serverside. This means that we haven’t had a working OS X version for about 2 weeks, the Windows and Linux versions were patched within 3 days, but since we don’t really have an OS X developers on the team this took a while longer. Anyway, it should work now, we’ve also added menu entries linking to the help pages on our wiki. Our beta was close, but not all done, now we think that we’ve got a fairly stable and feature complete version for OS X, therefore this release will be known as TheLastRipper for OS X version 1.1.1, yes it’s final not a beta.
Hi Jonas, it’s an Honor to me to finally meet the master mind behind TheLastRipper project
it’s simply a beautiful idea in the right hands .
About Version 1.1.1, I’ having some trouble here;
I just don’t understand TLR help pages cause i’m not a coder,
so when they talk about ” Typos”, “metadata” and stufflike that I just don’t get it.
… It’s like a whole new universe that I’m not aloud to join.
I’m running OS X 10.3 on a PPC ibook G4 (an oldie, I know)
Installed Mono framework with CocoaSharp 0.9.4
The thing is that the only version that actually let me record songs without crashing is TheLastRipper 0.2 beta
Version 1.1.1 i can login ok but then, before i can even hit ” Tune in” it crashes
Version 0.2 beta works just fine, except for the fact that thetracks recorded
doesn’t know where they start or end and you
(read something about in your help Issues , but still dont’ get it)
… this i getting Frustrating, PLEASE HELP me!
[BTW, I’m working on an Icon for TLR project that i’ll send you when I’m done (I’m graphic Designer) so in that aspec you have my support for any further projects]
Comment by kmendez — August 10, 2008 @ 1:32 am
Well it could be that TheLastRipper for Mac is generally broken. We are currently lacking an OS X developer, I don’t run OS X and my experience with it is rather limited…
Anyway, way I’d suggest you is to run the windows version download the raw binaries from here:
Then save them in the same directory. Open a terminal and write “mono ” remember the whitespace, then dragdrop the .exe file called WinFormsClient.exe into the terminal, so that it says:
“mono /path/to/where/youve/saved/it/WinFormsClient.exe” and hit enter… If it doesn’t work try doing the same thing in the X11 terminal, though you’d have to manually write the path there, or “right”-click and use copy/paste (note that’s not done using shortcuts in the terminal!).
I’ve not tried it myself but I’ve heard others who made it work…
By the way, we have an icon it can be found here in svg format:
However, I’m not sure how beautiful it is, as I’m certainly NOT a graphics designer – just look at my website 🙂
So if you’ve got a better icon you’re welcome to suggest it here:
Comment by Jonas Finnemann Jensen — August 10, 2008 @ 10:46 am